From Despair to Action: Cleaning Up Mainamati and Saving the Environment

Discover the inspiring journey of friends who clean up Mainamati's beauty, sparking a youth-led movement for a cleaner, greener Bangladesh!
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Who likes to avoid travelling to new places with friends! Yesterday my friends and I went to visit Mainamati! The place is beautiful, surrounded by green trees! After walking for 30 minutes, I found a place to sit, but seeing the condition of the place, I felt despondent! The whole place is surrounded by plastic, packets of cigarettes and chips, polythene, bottles and many other types of garbage! I am sure people visit this tourist spot, sit, rest, and willingly leave this garbage! They don't think for a second that they are spoiling the beauty they came here to see! The surprising thing is that a dustbin is made just 5 minute's walk from that place to throw these. After a few minutes of walking around the place, there is one dustbin after another. All the garbage is everywhere, and no one is using the dustbin!

While others were discussing this, my friend and I quickly rolled up our shirt sleeves and started picking up the garbage in a polythene! Everyone who was there was looking at us in surprise! The rest of my friends were quiet for a while, but soon they joined us in the mission to clean up the place!

Within a few minutes of everyone working together, we were able to make the place cleaner and more beautiful! My two friends also cleaned the place with a broom; they went to the local's house and brought the broom, and the people of that house praised us a lot. After work, we sat there talking when a thought came to my mind!

If we want to make Bangladesh beautiful & clean, all young people should work together! We have to motivate them not to throw garbage here and there, and, if they see garbage here and there in the city, to take the initiative to clean it! If everyone takes the same initiative and at least cleans the surroundings of their homes, we can save the environment from being polluted!

After talking about this with friends, I took up a new project! Named, "Plant trees, get rid of plastics!" Basically, this is a campaign; we will raise our own money and donations to buy hundreds of trees and stand outside each school with trees at certain times; people or students will be told, if you can bring us 5 pieces of plastic or other garbage, you will get a tree instead!

Another idea has arrived! We can organize a big competition where there will be an unique segment named, "Nature Hero" - anyone registers their name and contributes as many pieces of plastic, packets, polythene or other garbage as they want at a particular time every day and every entry counts! Whoever collects the most litter will be the winner and awarded a trophy! In this, he will be aware and inspired; those who see him will also be alert and inspired! On the other hand, society will be saved from being polluted and become more beautiful and clean!

More segments can be added, such as making creative things with scraps or submitting technology or projects that will help reduce pollution or remove waste!

Many ideas are spinning in my head! I want to take this initiative very soon! We will do it! "Amra Arrudho!"

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  1. all the best! loved your new ideas. Hopefully you'll be successful in implementing them too!
    1. Thank you very much <3
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